darth nihilus and kirby (kirby (series) and etc) created by evomanaphy
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another warmup doodle of two hungry boys that can't speak normally

aka. Darth Nihilus and Kirby are essentially the same


this still absolutely sends me 🤣🤣

and yes I know I normally don't draw star wars art or share most of my warmup doodles, but I love this one so much I thought some of you might appreciate it too 🥰

  • Comments
  • mecha_froggy said:
    One is a dark & twisted being that seeks to consume all life in the galaxy.
    The other is Darth Nihilus.

    I bursted laughing / coughed so much at this comment! It caught me unprepared :D

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  • mecha_froggy said:
    One is a dark & twisted being that seeks to consume all life in the galaxy.
    The other is Darth Nihilus.

    they're twinsies XD

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  • Star Wars may have fallen low since the disney era began.

    But this image? This image can do no wrong.

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