post #762224 post #4583873 post #2678517 post #2194890
A mask is an article normally worn on the face, typically for protection, disguise, performance or entertainment. Masks have been used since antiquity for both ceremonial and practical purposes. They are usually worn on the face, although they may also be positioned for effect elsewhere on the wearer's body, so in parts of Australia giant totem masks cover the body, whilst Inuit women use finger masks during storytelling and dancing.
Types of masks:
- animal_mask
- balaclava – pull a beanie to cover your full head and cut openings for eyes and possibly mouth.
- ballistic_mask - A combat mask made to resist bullets like a bulletproof vest.
- diving_mask
- domino_mask – a small, often rounded mask covering only the eyes and the space between them.
- face_shield
- fierce_deity_mask – A thing from the Legend of Zelda.
- fukumen – ninja mask.
- gas_mask – a muzzle with a filter and goggles. Used in war and by the (fire) rescue teams.
- gimp_mask – completes the leather/latex gimp suit. Often has a zipper for mouth access.
- guy_fawkes_mask – made popular by the hacker group Anonymous.
- kabuki_mask
- lucha_libre_mask
- masquerade_mask
- mouth_mask - similar to a surgical mask, this mask only covers the mouth. It was made popular by the COVID-19 precautions.
- mouthplate - An armor piece worn on the face that covers and protects the wearers mouth.
- noh_mask
- oxygen_mask – a breathing mask connected to an oxygen supply and worn over the nose and mouth.
- paper_bag_mask - a paper bag worn as a mask.
- skull_mask – a skull worn on a character's head or face as if it were a mask or helmet.
- sleep_mask – actually a blindfold to help sleep in a bright environment.
- sports_mask
- surgical_mask
The following tags are aliased to this tag: masked, masks (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: animal_mask, balaclava, cum_on_mask, diving_mask, domino_mask, face_shield, fierce_deity_mask, fukumen, gas_mask, gimp_mask, guy_fawkes_mask, kabuki_mask, latex_mask, leather_mask, living_mask, mask_only, masquerade_mask, noh_mask, oxygen_mask, portal_mask, skull_mask, sleep_mask, sports_mask, surgical_mask, wearing_mask (learn more).
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