half-closed eyes
A character that has both eyes somewhat, but not entirely, closed. Note that this isn't necessarily suggestive at all. Characters may simply be about to sleep, feel extremely angry, et cetera.
See also
- bedroom_eyes
- narrowed_eyes
- eyes_closed - when both eyes are closed.
- one_eye_closed - when only one eye is closed (unintentionally).
- one_eye_half-closed
- wink - when a character is intentionally closing one eye.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: eye_half_opened, eyes_half-closed, eyes_half_closed, eyes_half_open, eyes_half_opened, eyes_half_shut, half-closed-eyes, half-closed_eye, half-lidded_eyes, half-open_eye, half-open_eyes, half-opened_eye, half-opened_eyes, half_closed, half_closed_eye, half_closed_eyes, half_lidded_eyes, half_open_eye, half_open_eyes, half_opened_eye, half_opened_eyes, halflid_eyes (learn more).
This tag implicates narrowed_eyes (learn more).
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