butt focus
post #2547165 post #516700 post #3063427 post #2474725 post #2315335 post #2866653
Butt focus describes when a character's butt is the focus of an image, while showing large parts (or all) of the character, usually including the character's head or face in shot.
These images will almost always have the character's butt facing the viewer, with the character posed in a way that draws attention to their butt; they will often also use perspective and foreshortening so that the character's butt takes up more of the frame, and appears closer to the viewer. In addition to posing and perspective, differences in light/shadow, blurring parts of the image, added detail to the butt, motion lines, and/or emanata can be used to focus attention on the butt.
Tagging Notes
Butt focus should not be confused with...
- rear view - this is any depiction of a character from behind, not necessarily focused on the butt. Many rear view images mistagged as "butt focus".
- butt shot - a close-up cropped image of a character's butt, will never show the character's face outside of a cutaway panel.
- butt pose - a rear view shot where the character's upper body is turned towards the viewer, the images are not inherently focused on the butt.
A butt focused image where the character's anus or genitals are especially prominent should also be tagged as anus focus or genital focus.
Related Tags:
Common Poses
There are a wide range of specific poses a character can be in that puts their butt is in focus, here are some common ones:
Things characters often do in butt focused images...
Viewing Angles
See Also:
- "Focus" Tags
The following tags are aliased to this tag: ass_focus, booty_focus (learn more).
This tag implicates butt (learn more).
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