black sclera

This tag is used in images in which the sclera is black in colour. The sclera, colloquially known as the white of the eye, is the firm, protective casing that holds in the contents of the eyeball.

It is worth noting that some animals naturally have a dark or black sclera, such as primates (excluding humans), although this tends to be overlooked. A popular trait among demons and robots.

Colors of sclera

The following tags are aliased to this tag: black_eye_membrane, black_eye_white, black_eye_whites, black_outer_eye, black_schlera, black_sclerotic_coat, black_white_of_the_eye, black_white_of_the_eyes, black_whites_of_the_eye, black_whites_of_the_eyes, blakc_sclera (learn more).

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