post #1999192 post #2676429 post #2712283
An accessory is an item that accentuates an outfit or a particular style or design. For tagging purposes, this only includes clothing and body accessories. Certain fashion items such as handbags may also qualify for this tag.
- band_accessory
- bow_accessory
- clip_accessory
- dangle_accessory
- garter
- hair_accessory
- jewelry
- pin_accessory
- lapel_pin - Usually worn on the lapel of a dress jacket, but also popular as a themed collectible that can be traded.
- flag_pin - A variant of lapel pins that is modeled after a country's or organization's flag. Usually worn by politicians.
- pin_button - A round, decorative badge fastened onto clothing by a safety pin.
Body Locations
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: accessories (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: frilly_accessory, garter, hair_accessory, headband, horn_accessory, penis_accessory, pin_accessory, tail_accessory (learn more).
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