kanara created by shane frost
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Goblify me captain #14 Kanara

She's near and she's here! Kanara has been sneaking her way to a snack, and this snake's got a whole new lease on life, of the goblin variety!

Commissioned by Ragnars Rock

If you would like to go full goblin mode too, feel free to check out all the info here! https://www.furaffinity.net/view/56793469/

Reference Image from post #827926

  • Comments
  • I have often struggled to see why I exist upon this wet ball flying through space.

    I am glad to say I finally found the reason I was born. To commision this

    Also, it seems I finally have found the picture that can replace my old avatar.

    Goodbye post #937240 , I will miss you and the time of 6ish years where my user name made sense

    Now, the question is if I should do Terro too in order to complete the duo...

    Edit: There might be a new picture incoming 👀


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  • ragnars_rock said:
    I have often struggled to see why I exist upon this wet ball flying through space.

    I am glad to say I finally found the reason I was born. To commision this

    Also, it seems I finally have found the picture that can replace my old avatar.

    Goodbye post #937240 , I will miss you and the time of 6ish years where my user name made sense

    Now, the question is if I should do Terro too in order to complete the duo...

    omg the old one was so iconic

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  • madjoker said:
    this character is cute

    Yeah, kanara is from one of Shane's comics and it is one of my top 5 favourites.
    Easily top 3 non-human characters from Shane for me

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  • iphone_4_user said:
    omg the old one was so iconic

    It is a bit sad, as my username in swedish means "The coat of Ragnar" while also being a wordplay on the norse myth of Ragnarok that is portrayed by the picture.

    I mean, I guess I could switch my name too, but I like "Ragnars rock" way more than something like "KanaraSimp69" or whatever would fit this new one.

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  • Oh, Kanara, it's been too long!

    My first Shane Frost comic and still one of my favorites. Miss those two goobers every day.

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  • ragnars_rock said:
    It is a bit sad, as my username in swedish means "The coat of Ragnar" while also being a wordplay on the norse myth of Ragnarok that is portrayed by the picture.

    I mean, I guess I could switch my name too, but I like "Ragnars rock" way more than something like "KanaraSimp69" or whatever would fit this new one.

    Keep it as is. That way you can joke that Kanara was at Ragnarok.

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  • in_denile said:
    Indeed. Though I lack the money to comission it.

    Oh btw, have you read the spell thing I sent ya?

    I have

    And, uh, lemme just say that while the concepts are cool I think you perfectly demonstrated why homebrew spells need to be severly looked at as a DM before allowing them in a campaign hahaha.
    Balanced, they are not.

    My personal view on wizardposting is more creating spells with mundane effects that are really annoying to deal with rather than tearing apart the fabric of space and time lol.

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