nintendo and etc created by boke (artist)


  • Comments
  • Sucks that this is an actual thing. To canines, antifreeze has a rather sweet smell resulting in them wanting to drink it despite it being very toxic and most like going to kill them.

    All that aside, not bad art.

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  • blodhgarm92 said:
    Sucks that this is an actual thing. To canines, antifreeze has a rather sweet smell resulting in them wanting to drink it despite it being very toxic and most like going to kill them.

    All that aside, not bad art.

    I thought that was most things that has antifreeze tastes good and I thought they made modern antifreeze taste bad?

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  • ginkei said:
    Antifreeze to not get cold.

    Fire, fire burns much brighter
    When oxygen is the supplier
    And fire, fire is killing his desire
    To not be cold as he expires

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