Species: theropod

post #948809 post #1585900 post #1373585

Theropoda, or Theropods, are a large suborder of mostly Saurischian dinosaurs, though some have been speculated to be within the Ornithoscelida and Ornithischia clades. They are usually carnivorous and are most well known for their hollow bones, three-toed limbs, short forelimbs, and bipedal locomotion. They often have serrated edged teeth, which often aided in cutting flesh, and most have been documented to have predatory behavior. Many Theropods are often the highest ranked in their local food chains.

Birds are the modern descendants of Theropods, having evolved from them in the Jurassic era, however for tagging purposes they are not to be referred to as such.

Theropods in general tend to be well known to the public, mainly thanks to popular media such as the Jurrassic Park franchise. The most well known species tend to be Tyrannosaurus Rex and Raptors.


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The following tags are aliased to this tag: megaraptora, megaraptorian, megaraptorid, megaraptoridae, therapod (learn more).

This tag implicates dinosaur (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: abelisaurid, alangasaurus, allosaurid, alvarezsaurid, anchiornis, archaeopteryx, balaur_bondoc, caenagnathid, carcharodontosaurid, ceratosaurid, coelophysis, compsognathid, cryolophosaurus, dilophosaurid, dromaeosaurid, eodromaeus, eudromaeosaurian, gojirasaurus, guanlong, indominus_rex, indoraptor, megalosaurid, megaraptor, metriacanthosaurid, monolophosaurus, neovenatorid, noasaurid, ornithomimid, oviraptorid, spinosaurid, therizinosaurid, theropod_taur, torvosaurus, troodontid, tyrannosauroid, ultimasaurus (learn more).

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