huge butt

Huge Butt describes characters with rear ends that are remarkably large, beyond what would generally be seen as a "Big Butt"

"Huge Butt" - in comparison with Hyper Butt - implies that the character's buttocks, while very large, are still proportionate to the rest of the character's body, and typically remain within the realm of realism, or at least, believability.

Because of tag implications, if an image is tagged both "hyper butt" and "huge butt", then it is a Hyper Butt - barring a mistag or multiple characters with varying sizes of rear end.


post #1642293 post #1134559 post #2077935 post #798736 post #1209063

See also:

The following tags are aliased to this tag: badonkadonk, dump_truck_ass, huge_ass, huge_booty, huge_but (learn more).

This tag implicates big_butt (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: hyper_butt (learn more).

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post #5462296
post #5462294
post #5462285
post #5462256