
post #2615222 post #1878224 post #4119355 post #4383986 post #3734662

Pretty self-explanatory. To be used in conjunction with known holidays.

A "holiday" is a period of collective rejoicing to celebrate something or someone... However, these moments are limited in time.

(Usually, several large groups of people get together to have fun and enjoy themselves in these occasions)

"Holidays" can become a duty or a social obligation, like Catholic precepts (Christmas, Easter...) or national holidays. There are public celebrations that involve the whole of society, and private celebrations limited to a family, a corporation, clients, etc...

Tagging Tip:

(Generally, when you see "Happy..." or "Merry...": it's probably a post celebrating a holiday!)

List of holidays: (Incomplete)


The following tags are aliased to this tag: holiday (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: 4th_of_july, april_fools'_day, australia_day, bastille_day, canada_day, carnival_(holiday), chinese_new_year, christmas, cinco_de_mayo, day_of_the_dead, easter, father's_day, halloween, hanukkah, kwanzaa, mother's_day, new_year, oktoberfest, st._patrick's_day, thanksgiving, valentine's_day (learn more).

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