hand on butt
When a character has one or both of their hands on their own, or another character's butt.
This tag does not describe anything specific about the contact between hand and butt — other tags may describe the type of contact occurring. Alone, this tag can describe a character's hand simply resting on a butt.
This tag can also apply to characters who have hooves, or feathers/wings for "hands".
Related Tags
Character Interaction
These tags describe who is touching the butt, ideally they should be added to every post involving a hand on a butt.
Types of Contact
These tags describe specific kinds of interaction between hand and butt:
- butt grab — a forceful clutching, squeezing or groping of one or both buttocks
- holding butt — using one or both hands to cup, gently grasp, lift, or support individual buttocks or the entire butt
- butt slap — an open palmed strike on the butt
- spreading/spread butt — a character using one or both hands to move their own, or another's buttock(s) aside to expose the genitals and anus
See Also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: hand_on_ass, hand_on_booty, hands_on_ass, hands_on_booty, hands_on_butt, hoof_on_ass, hoof_on_booty, hoof_on_butt, hooves_on_ass, hooves_on_booty, hooves_on_butt (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: butt_grab, hand_on_another's_butt, hand_on_own_butt (learn more).
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