ball squish

post #3046142 post #983770 post #2886780 post #2928440

When a character's balls are visibly squished against a surface, object, parts of the character's body, or another character's body. Compare with breast squish. This includes images where the balls are only being "squished" by gravity and resting on a surface/body part/character.

Not to be confused with ball squeeze:
Ball squeeze describes a character intentionally grabbing their own, or another's balls with their hands, feet etc. and applying pressure to them, rather than the balls being squished "unintentionally" by the character's pose, gravity, etc.

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The following tags are aliased to this tag: balls_squish, squished_ball, squished_balls, squishy_balls (learn more).

This tag implicates balls, squish (learn more).

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