animal penis
post #1344635 post #2712889 post #2782401
Tag used for penises that exclusively belong to animals (e.g. equine_penis, canine_penis).
- If the penis is like a human's, use humanoid_penis.
Related tags
- animal_genitalia
- animal_penis
- anteater_penis
- antelope_penis
- armadillo_penis
- bovine_penis
- camelid_penis
- canine_penis
- caprine_penis (goat, sheep)
- cervine_penis (deer)
- cetacean_penis (whale, dolphin)
- chiropteran_penis (bat)
- claspers (shark)
- (cloacal_penis)
- crocodilian_penis
- duck_penis
- echidna_penis
- hemipenes (snake, lizard)
- marsupial_penis (kangaroo)
- ostrich_penis
- turtle_penis
- elephant_penis
- equine_penis
- feline_penis (cat)
- fossa_penis
- gastropod_penis
- giraffe_penis
- hyaenid_penis
- lagomorph_penis
- lutrine_penis (otter)
- mustelid_penis (weasel, ferret)
- porcine_penis (pig)
- raccoon_penis
- rhino_penis
- rodent_penis
- seal_penis
- tapir_penis
- thylacine_penis
- ursine_penis (bear)
- cloaca
- genital_slit
- sheath
- penis_tip
See also
Animal anatomy tags
The following tags are aliased to this tag: animal_dick, feral_penis (learn more).
This tag implicates animal_genitalia, penis (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: anteater_penis, antelope_penis, armadillo_penis, bovine_penis, camelid_penis, canine_penis, caprine_penis, cervine_penis, cetacean_penis, chiropteran_penis, crocodilian_penis, duck_penis, echidna_penis, elephant_penis, equine_penis, feline_penis, fossa_penis, gastropod_penis, giraffe_penis, hemipenes, hyaenid_penis, lagomorph_penis, lutrine_penis, marsupial_penis, mismatched_animal_penis, mustelid_penis, ostrich_penis, porcine_penis, raccoon_penis, rhino_penis, rodent_penis, seal_penis, tapir_penis, thylacine_penis, turtle_penis, ursine_penis (learn more).
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