abstract background
post #604718 post #2100645 post #530258 post #379247 post #317405
Use this for images or animations that don't feature a distinct background. It usually entails having a solid color background with a formless, artistic design or possibly some kind of abstract imagery. Note that this can also apply additional tags in some cases, like when these images have spirals and/or color gradients.
Not to be confused with
- geometric_background
- gradient_background - A gradient by itself isn't abstract.
- monotone_background - Solid color backgrounds.
- pattern_background
- grid_background - A more specific version.
See also
- abstract_background
- simple_background
The following tags are aliased to this tag: abrstact_background, abstract_backgorund, abstract_backgroudn, abstract_bg, abstrat_background (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: psychedelic_background, spiral_background (learn more).
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